About us

We are a community organization that Identifies and mobilizes local resources, empowering sustainability.

We believe that everyone deserve the choice to live with dignity, not dependence.

We grow experience in different sectors such as Social mobilization, entrepreneurship development, skill development, local cooperative promotion, enterprises creation, marketing of products, capacity development of local community, business counseling, planning, study and research areas. 

team, motivation, teamwork


DEFAN, Udayapur NGO is an independent, non-political and non-profit making organization registered in 2063 BS under the NGO act of Nepal government and associated with Social Welfare Council of the Government of Nepal. It is duly registered with the Tax Department and the VAT and transactions are annually audited by the registered auditor and tax clearance is done annually. The Development Facilitation Network (DEFAN), Udayapur organization has been growing experiences in different sectors such as Social mobilization, entrepreneurship development, skill development, local cooperative promotion, enterprises creation, marketing of products, capacity development of local community, business counseling, planning, study and research areas. The organization has good experiences in livelihood improvement of hard core and poor community by providing entrepreneurship knowledge. The organization has better experiences on crisis management, resource mobilization with coordination, wash, and cooperation. The community mobilization and livelihood improvement are the major experiences of this organization.



Formation and creation of the independent and result oriented society through enterprise development, agriculture, Health and Nutrition on a time bound within equality.


Identification and mobilization of local resources, protection and promotion of enterprise and entrepreneurship which helps in sustainability in every aspect.


Improved the socio economic status of low income families, women, deprived janajatis, unemployed youths, and marginalized individuals and communities through social mobilization, empowerment and micro enterprise development.


  1. To reduce Poverty of the under privileged community target group Dalit, Janajati, women and unemployed youth through the development of entrepreneurship culture.
  2. To develop the capacity of the target groups by conducting business management and marketing network training as well as skill training.
  3. To provide business counseling services to the new and existing entrepreneurs.
  4. To conduct market survey, information collection and publication that may promote the enterprises.
  5. To create micro enterprise through the mobilization of local resources.
  6. To create local fund, cooperative and self-help groups for their sustainable development by regular social mobilization.
  7. To support infrastructure building programs to generate rural employment and to enhance the livelihood of the rural people.
  8. Social mobilization and gender Sensitization for enterprise development.
  9. To support awareness programs such as education, health, population and sanitation and environment to establish women friendly enterprise.
  10. It will organize program to help Poor, Dalit (Untouchable), Indigenous, Women, Child, Disabilities and Marginalize community.
  11. It will organize various program with related food security, livelihood, health and nutrition.
  12. It will conduct community rural development program.
  13. It will conduct Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) aims to reduce the damage caused by natural hazards like earthquakes, floods, droughts and cyclones, through an ethic of prevention. Disasters often follow natural hazards.

Value and recognition

Transparency, Reasonability, People participation, Inclusive, Coordination and Economy

Main Target Community

Poor, Dalit, Janajati, Women, Disable, Marginalize, Minority community and people without Land.


  • Advocating and lobbing about of enterprise and entrepreneurship.
  • Upgrading life standard of community by using local resources
  • Committee formation, base line, end line survey, household survey through PRA tools and social mobilization
  • Strengthening the group formed, Economic Empowerment and mobilization, resource sharing, Decision-making process in positive Postings, Local source maximum operating
  • Sustainable livelihood to target group Poor, Dalit, Janajati, Women, marginalize, minority and backward community.
  • Operation of program by coordination and collaboration with government, local government, NGOs, INGOs and other line agency


  • Enterprise, Entrepreneurship Technical Skill Development Training.
  • Food security, Climate Change and sustainable livelihood, Construction of Health post, Birthing Centre, Jestha Nagrik.
  • Agriculture, Forest, Service, Handcraft, Tourism, environment, Health and Nutrition
  • Social mobilization, capacity building, skill development
  • DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction )

Membership and Human Resource in the Organization

Executive Committee (EC) members:                Total: 11 male: 4 Female: 7  Dalit: 2  Janajati: 2

General members (Excluding EC members):       Total: 26 Male: 11 Female:15 Dalit: 6 Janajati  9

Current paid staff in the organization:                Total: 38 Male : 14 Female: 24 Dalit: 5 Janajati: 15

Current volunteers in the organization:              Total: 10 Male : 4 Female: 6  Dalit : 2 Janajati: 5

Organogram of the Organization

Have questions?

Please feel free to contact us at contact@defannepal.com